Getting Started with Laserfiche

This series is a great starting place for users who are new to Laserfiche as it will get you comfortable with the basic functionality of the software.

Other Laserfiche online courses and series will build on the foundational knowledge gained in this series.Learning Outcomes:

  • Navigate the Repository, describe its features and elements, and learn the best way to organize documents and folders
  • Identify the different annotations and tools available in the Document Viewer
  • Compare the different ways to import documents, determine the best format when exporting entries, and choosing the most efficient sharing method
  • Use search filters efficiently and navigate through the results
  • Identify the benefits of editing a document online, and understand the different options available when checking a document in or out
  • Understand what entry access rights are and how to administer then with the help of scope

Course Details

  • Difficulty
  • Lessons
  • Duration
    2 hours, 14 minutes
  • Price

Related Certifications

Capture Specialist

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Records Manager

Learn the basics of capturing, processing and storing information with Laserfiche.

Business Process Manager

Learn how to configure, support, troubleshoot, and maintain your Laserfiche system.