Remediating Siloed Data: Higher Education Institutions Unlock Seamless Data Collaboration with Laserfiche’s System Integrators

2 min read
  • Education
  • Information Technology

Universities across the globe are the midst of a digital revolution, and data integration is the linchpin that holds it all together. Say goodbye to spending endless hours in search of scattered student and staff information in an inefficient workplace, stifled by siloed data. Higher education institutions are on a clear path to fully integrated digital campuses, paved with efficiency, collaboration, and streamlined processes. Laserfiche’s suite of enterprise content management solutions is the game changer at the center of your digital campus transformation.

Picture this: your campus operates as a well-oiled machine, with information flowing seamlessly between departments, fostering collaboration and enabling lightning-speed decision-making. This reality isn’t a far-fetched dream; it’s the power of dynamic system integrators in higher education.

Breaking Down Data Silos for Cohesive Campuswide Operations

One of the most significant barriers to campus-wide efficiency is the presence of data silos. Higher education institutions have long battled these isolated pockets of information that impede communication, create delays, and fracture your university’s ability to deliver a consistent experience to students and staff.

Laserfiche recently surveyed higher education IT leaders and administrators across the nation, unveiling a sobering truth: over 90% of respondents recognized the presence of data silos within their organizations. It’s a challenge that can’t be ignored. The key to overcoming this hurdle lies in integration, and we’re here to guide you through it.

Real-World Success: University of San Francisco

Glen Murie, University of San Francisco Senior Programmer/Analyst, shares how Laserfiche Forms revolutionized their processes. By automating requests and reviews, the university saved the equivalent of 10 to 20 full-time employees’ worth of time per year, demonstrating the enormous impact data integration has on institution-wide efficiency, productivity, and cost-savings.

When remediating decades-old campus cultures steeped in siloed data, higher education systems administrators can profoundly benefit from colleagues sharing their experiences as roadmaps toward achieving their own seamless integrations.

Tips and Insights from Data Integration Frontlines

Are you an administrator or an IT team leader on the cusp of your own journey and looking for effective digital campus transformation strategies? Murie and other Laserfiche partners reveal lessons learned along the way in a free downloadable white paper, titled “Your Guide to Creating a Fully Integrated Digital Campus.”

Become an expert in this new era of system integrators in higher education with Laserfiche’s best practices tips and partner resources. Ready level up your campus processes with automation, integration, and advanced AI technologies?

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